Mission of the Compost Challenge

Give back to the Earth as it gives so much to us.

Why compost?

  • A shocking 40% of total food produced is thrown out!

    • This includes food during the farming or production process. For example: Celery stocks

  • Everything that was used to make that food gets wasted…

    • Water

    • Fertilizer

    • Gas used to transport the food

    • Etc.

  • Composting can improve soil structure and helps eliminate green houses gases like methane.

What is composting?

  • Nature recycles food waste by breaking it down and reusing it.

  • Composting accelerates the decomposition process

  • Basically- it is a method to naturally recycle food.

  • Compost is created when organic material, like food waste, is put into a pile or a container with other organic material like leaves and soil; and dissolves over time.

What can we compost?

  • Some things that we can compost are:

    1. Fruits and vegetables

    2. Eggshells

    3. Coffee grounds and filters

    4. Tea bags

    5. Nut shells

    6. Shredded newspaper

    7. Paper products, including cardboard and napkins

  • We cannot compost

    1. Meat and Fish Scraps

    2. Dairy, Fats, and Oils

    3. Pasta / Bread

    4. Food w lot of onion, garlic, spices


Contact kellenbhatt@gmail.com to get more information on the project or ask a question


Update: The Compost Challenge has received a grant from the Loveday Endowment Foundation. We will get started on our composting dreams with this at Fulton Science Academy.